Dumbbell, Sport, Weights, Fitness Room

My Passion is helping people that want to improve their health. Many people have turned to me over the years to ask how I am always in great shape.

The answer is simple... eat right, and put in the work. I want to share what I have found to work, and sustain. This isn't a too good to be true program, it's a lifestyle to better health.

Stop calling it a dream, start calling it a plan. small steps toward your plan go toward your dream.

You have nothing to lose, so don't live in regret.


about me

Hi, I am Coach Dan. I am married with three children and work in a corporate environment so I completely understand how busy and hectic life can be between work, school activities, sports, dance, band, etc.. On top of that, I also have a small farm to maintain.

Over the years I have tried just about every diet and numerous exercise routines looking for something more sustainable to my lifestyle. After many years of trial and error I have simplified my process and have been able to repeat it with others. I don't starve myself, track everything I eat, or kill myself in the gym. This process has allowed me enjoy social outings, not shame myself for eating certain foods and most importantly it has given me confidence in how I look and the energy levels to keep up with my hectic life.

Fitness has always been an integral part of my life. I enjoy being able to see the fruit of my labor. If I do the work, then I get the desired results. It' pretty simple actually. But...It's a lot more complicated than that. There is a lot of conflicting information and people claiming "this is the best". This leaves you in confusion and trying something different all the time in an attempt to see results and never making any real progress.

I don't promise overnight transformations or unrealistic results because they are not sustainable. The short term fixes produce results, but they don't last. All that hard work for nothing? No thanks!

Let me teach you my simple process that can fit any schedule.

Regain your confidence, increase your energy, enjoy your workouts, eat the foods you enjoy and get your life back!

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the Process makes the difference

time + Consistency = results

Roughly 80% of people who start a diet/exercise routine fail and return to their bad habits within a year. They lack consistency because they have no guidance in how to properly diet/exercise in a sustainable way. I will teach you how to simplify the process so that you are successful in your journey.

How you train matters

You shouldn't have to adapt your lifestyle to a fitness program, but instead the fitness program should be adapted to your lifestyle.

Your training program should be customized to YOUR specific goals and abilities. Training vs exercising produces different results. I will teach you how to train effectively eliminating the guesswork and avoid excessive exercise.

Detailed heavy weights

maintain the gain

Strength training and proper nutrition are vital to improving and maintaining your physique and your metabolism. My goal is to educate you so that this is not a temporary fix but a lifestyle change that produces sustainable results.

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a goal without a process is just a dream

"Your body is the vehicle to living your best life. ​Your body will allow you to create the life of your ​dreams or inhibit you. How you feel drives the ​decisions you make and if your mind and body ​doesn't perform then you're risking your greatest ​investment. My goal as a coach is to enhance ​your quality of life by helping you feel and ​perform at your best."-Ben Pakulski

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Dreams don't become a reality unless you take action!

the choice is yours!

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Click here for 20% ​off bucked up ​products or use ​code pt35

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Schedule your free consultation today

Pivotal Transformation LLC

Daniel Holifield

Personal Trainer/Nutrition Coach

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